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Curriculum Vitae of Karl Riedling

Karl Riedling was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1948. He obtained his diploma and doctor's degrees in Electrical Engineering at the TU Vienna in 1972 and 1979, respectively. He assisted in the realisation of the first Austrian university-based semiconductor technology laboratory at the TU Vienna, where he worked on the technology of indium antimonide, and on the application of ellipsometry in microelectronics technology. As a postdoc at IBM East Fishkill in 1980/81, and as a visiting scientist at Arizona State University between 1985 and 1987, he contributed to the automation of the Czochralski growth processes for silicon and gallium arsenide single crystals, respectively. In 1988, he obtained the venia legendi for Technology of Microelectronic Components, and is now an Associate Professor at the institute. His teaching currently centres on Web databases, object oriented programming, and sensor applications; in 1997, he has "inherited" the main lecture on Modelling in Electrical Engineering from Fritz Paschke, and gave this lecture until 2003 when it was outphased by a new curriculum. His current research activities are in the area of the presentation of scientific results; he also co-operates in various projects with the other groups at the institute. He is the author of the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology, and still spends considerable efforts on its maintenance and improvement. Between 1995 and 2008, he was member and secretary in a total of seven professoral election commissions at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Since 1990, he is secretary general of the Austrian Society for Micro- and Nanoelectronics (GMe - Gesellschaft für Mikro- und Nanoelektronik). In 2011, Karl Riedling was assigned manager of the Austrian Physical Society (Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft - OePG). Besides the usual chores of a manager of the OePG, he has built an extensive "tailored" web-based administration system for the data of the society's members and for its archive and other activities of the OePG. On January 15th, 2013, the Honorary Citizenship of the Vienna University of Technology has been bestowed on Karl Riedling for his life's work, in particular, for his outstanding services to the Vienna University of Technology by creating and continuously maintaining its Publication Database. Karl Riedling has been officially retired on October 1st, 2013, but still continues his teaching and the above mentioned activities: The maintenance of the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology, and his tasks as secretary general of the GMe and as manager of the OePG. Besides his activities at the university, Karl Riedling has developed a number of web-based database applications through the course of about two decades, and he continues developing and servicing them. Most important among those applications is the software for the online monastery shop "Cellarium" that his wife Eveline operates jointly with him and which features products of about two dozens of monasteries and orders.


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